I've always been a believer in abundance, but as a solo professional howdo Idifferentiate myself from others in the world who do similar work and serve similar clients?Then I picked up The Likeability Factor by Tim Sanders and got my answer.Sanders calls it the "L-factor" and says that "if you raise your L-factor you will harness one of life's most powerful forces.TN Requin pas cher, The group she's most passionate about serving is women who are solo service professionals. And no matter how likeable we might be,most of uscan always be better.Sanders lists four traits that each of us needs to evaluate daily:Friendliness Relevance Empathy RealnessOn the surface, these seem like the obvious traits of any likeable person. You will wonder why you never thought of it before. You will discover that nothing feels better, and is better for everyone around you, than achieving the highest L-factor possible."I like to think of myself as pretty likeable, but hey, who doesn't?I've come to believe through Sanders' book and my own experiences, that likeability makes a difference in the level of success and happiness we enjoy in business and life.I think of my success factor being directly proportional to my likeability factor. The challenge is to honestly evaluate ourselves on how we are living out these Timberland Femme traits in our daily lives.Ask yourself these questions:How genuinely friendly have I been today in every personal, phone, or electronic interaction? How did I behave with strangers and friends alike, when no one was watching? Did I provideothers withsomething that would help them in their business or personal life? Have I put myself in the shoes of the people that I've interacted with today? Did I truly consider the ups and downs, successes and disappointments that the other person may be experiencing that affects their interactions with me? Did I let my own personality and true self shine through today with everyone I've met? Do I believe that being myself is the best way to be?Becoming your best, most likeable self will always be a differentiator for those you are meant to serve in your business.About the AuthorIf you'd like to include this article on your website or in your e-zine, please make sure it remains intact and include the following blurb:Amy Franko TN Requin 2011 Femme is the owner and principal learning designer of Amy Franko Consulting.Amy is a certified Book Yourself Solid business coach. She uses a simple system of protocols specifically designed to help them get out into the world and bring more ideal clients into their business, even if marketing and selling isn't something they like to do!You can learn more about her by visiting her website http://www.amyfranko.com or following her on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/amyfranko..